$247.00 USD

To graduate our training programs, all payments must be paid in full before graduation in order to receive certification. MelMarie LLC is not accountable or required to ensure the completion of training after 12 months to the date of your enrollment, unless otherwise agreed and discussed case by case scenario.

Should there be an emergency that permits my ability complete the program, I will communicate with Melissa Aguirre and she will give support and guidance for the next steps to help me complete my training program.

By clicking the above you acknowledge there are no refunds, transfers, or cancellations.  

We hold integrity as one of our highest values. By making this investment, you are providing the electronic equivalent of your signature and assert that you have read this and agree to the terms and conditions on this check-out page.

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Reiki Level One

Imagine tapping into your innate nourishment, frequency and energetic healing through the organic practice of Reiki. Reiki has been used in clinical care, holistic health and yoga to optimize vitality in patients and clients alike. This blended experience of self discovery and adding a powerful tool to your tool box elevates you in the delivery of wellness to your community and personal life fostering more harmony and vitality. 

Benefits Include:

  • Stress management and relaxation skills. 
  • Easing discomfort, pain management, and boosting health. 
  • Enhanced self connection and personal growth. 
  • Ability to use for yourself, clients, friends, family, or even pets.
  • Using the laws of physics and nature's vitality to optimize well being.